what clients say


One big question we get asked is, “How often should I float?” While the answer to that question is largely based on personal preference and need, we can offer advice based on 10 years of floating experience. We have found that the more frequently we float, the more floating evolves from a unique experience to an important part of the upkeep of our well-being. Considering floating is priced lower than most massages, we hope to encourage our clients to make floating a staple of their overall health regimen through our discounted memberships.

One big question we get asked is, “How often should I float?” While the answer to that question is largely based on personal preference and need, we can offer advice based on 10 years of floating experience. We have found that the more frequently we float, the more floating evolves from a unique experience to an important part of the upkeep of our well-being. Considering floating is priced lower than most massages, we hope to encourage our clients to make floating a staple of their overall health regimen through our discounted memberships.

One big question we get asked is, “How often should I float?” While the answer to that question is largely based on personal preference and need, we can offer advice based on 10 years of floating experience. We have found that the more frequently we float, the more floating evolves from a unique experience to an important part of the upkeep of our well-being. Considering floating is priced lower than most massages, we hope to encourage our clients to make floating a staple of their overall health regimen through our discounted memberships.

One big question we get asked is, “How often should I float?” While the answer to that question is largely based on personal preference and need, we can offer advice based on 10 years of floating experience. We have found that the more frequently we float, the more floating evolves from a unique experience to an important part of the upkeep of our well-being. Considering floating is priced lower than most massages, we hope to encourage our clients to make floating a staple of their overall health regimen through our discounted memberships.